There is a light that shines beyond all things on Earth,
beyond us all,
beyond the heavens,
beyond the highest,
the very highest heavens.
This is the light that shines in our heart.
beyond us all,
beyond the heavens,
beyond the highest,
the very highest heavens.
This is the light that shines in our heart.
~ Chandogya Upanishad 3.13.7
Today's Question: What is the light in your heart saying to you? What would it take to let it shine?
How I Apply:
The light in my heart says to me that everything happens for a reason. This is why I feel open to everything and attached to nothing. Living this way enables me to see the perfection in everything around me without fear (the very thing that stops most of us from shining).
To let it shine I go through life with a curious and open heart learning from everyone around me. This means that what irritates and annoys a lot of people doesn't seem to do the same with me. There are times I have to struggle to see the perfection but more often than not it is simply present in me.
So how can you let your light shine?
Today's picture by Denis Collette (creative commons)
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