Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Today's Quote:

"Why don't you be the artist and make me out of clay, why don't you be the writer and decide the words I say." ~ Ellie Goulding (Lyrics from The Writer from Album Lights)

Today's Question:

Where are you letting other people decide for you?

A bit about me:
I am a bit weird with this. When I am about to make a decision I turn to my husband (if he's not there I phone him) and I ask what he thinks I should do. He always tell me to do what I think... This can be about smallish and big decisions. Mostly small though. He told me the other day that I really should just decided on something then do it and not garner the opinion of people around me. I recently made a decision I am very happy fact no, make that quite a few decisions.
  • I chose to change our apartment (when he was in Perth) and this has turned out to be the best decision I think I've made whilst in NZ. Picture above is the view from our balcony.
  • I chose to book a little trip back to Melbourne on this break which was awesome.
  • I chose a new chair for our lounge which is the comfiest thing I think I have ever sat on.
I made all of these decisions and didn't want anyone to decide for me and you know what?

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It makes my day when you say what you want to say.....