Today's Quote:
Now I heard this on a Hay House radio show and cannot recall who said it. Therefore, it's not an exact quote but the essence is there.
"If your best thinking got you were you are today and life isn't working, it's time to get thinking from some place else."
Today's question:
Where has your best thinking got you? Are you fulfilled in this place? Does what you do nourish you?
About me:
My best thinking took me to owning my own coaching practice. I enjoyed it for quite some time and loved being my own boss. However, for some time now I have had a strong desire to make more of a difference in the world. Give back more.
My husband gave me an amazing gift a while back. He was given the opportunity (from his university) to download 3 career guides for any industry. He got me the 'Save The World' one. He knew that I wanted to make a difference and he thought this might shed some light on working for Not For Profit's or Non Goverment Organisations. His best thinking often blows me away with its clarity. He knew what I wanted even before I did. He knew that being my own boss was no longer nourishing me. I am a people person people and I know that I would so love to work with others!
I am beginning to pick apart the industry and am loving what I am finding. It's exciting!!!! Everyone working towards a common goal and not just for the money or the "just a job", "just paying the bills" kind of way. Actually being of service to the community. Wanting something more for others than you want for yourself.
I would love to continue with my coaching practice but perhaps on a part time basis and most definitely in a new way (more on this in future posts).