Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Non Judgement

Today's Quote:

" Non Judgement creates silence of the mind" ~ Deepak Chopra

Today's Question:

What other practices have you found that creates silence in your mind?

A bit about me:
I have been away for a while. It was a tough year last year with many changes and giving more day to day than I ever have of myself. I felt I just simply couldn't give any more, even to write a blog such as this.
However, I did so miss the blogging community and when I logged back in I felt rather joyous.
I am back and I am not saying I am going to give a quote daily...I will aim for that but I know myself and I don't want to disappoint you or me with false promises.

Please enjoy today's quote and question and use it as a tool to grow like I do....

Much love,


P.S Today's photo is of the
Pōhutukawa tree.
(Taken from Wikipedia.....)

Renowned for its vibrant colour and its ability to survive even perched on rocky, precarious cliffs, it has found an important place in New Zealand's culture, both of the European settlers and Maori - being venerated for spirituality, strength and beauty, and considered one of the "chiefly trees", the rakaurangatira.


  1. Lovely to hear from you Yvonne.

    My very best wishes to you for 2011.... greeting across the water.. this time first year I was getting ready to go to Wellington for a holiday... loved the botanical gardens I must say!

    Mmm ... silence in my mind... painting does... sometimes not at first... but submitting myself to the process and being there...staying with.. I shift into higher thinking or just quiet reverie. Until I do its not so good.. Ive learnt to stay there and allow it to shift. evenif it takes hours or days.

    best to you,
    ps thanks for warm message!

  2. Welcome back.
    You were missed. You look refreshed.
    So great to hear from you again.
    Love and huge hugs,

  3. I love that Sophie, submitting myself....allow the shift, we are a work in progress :)

    Marie- love your work and your world x

  4. I love your latest quote on 'non-judgement'. it's definitely something that i'm working on at the moment. Amazing actually the number of judgements we engage in every day, in fact every moment. Island bay in wellington is lined with pohutakawa trees all in bloom at the moment. Red, red, red. Beautiful.
    - Sasha

  5. Thanks Sasha, I love it too.

    I was in Island Bay for a short while today. They are so beautiful, the P Trees.

    Do you have a blog?


It makes my day when you say what you want to say.....