Monday, February 08, 2010


Today's Quote:

"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intently by a connecting link."
~ Carlos Castaneda

Today's question is really a thought:

If everything is linked, what are you doing to strengthen that link?

About Me:
I have always loved everything and everyone around me but lately I have been damaging not strengthening links. I was on a slight derailment and I was taking myself down a dark path with no light in sight. It was a sad place and I had to put it right. I listened to a 45 min meditation on being safe by Louise Hay and I felt myself being pulled in a different direction, the better path, a more nurturing route. I feel more at peace than I have in a long time.....


  1. Sometimes we have to experience the dark to know we are in the light.
    I have been thinking of you.
    Blessings all over you.
    You are loved.

  2. It is an active thing, isn't it, to receive so? It is most definitely a choice.

    So many to list. Miracles everywhere I look. A simple one, birds at my feeder. They return even after years of an empty bin.



It makes my day when you say what you want to say.....