Thursday, July 09, 2009

Spiritual Journey

As the last post, I cannot recall who said this...and there is another coming tomorrow....

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey but spiritual beings on a human journey."

No question today....

About me:
I believe that life has meaning and purpose and someone recently challenged me to think about what beliefs I hold in relation to the word spirituality. I googled it and came up with Secular Spiritualist- the adherence to a spiritual ideology without the advocation of a religious framework. I have been on a spiritual path for a few years so I'm not even sure this is the right term...but then I don't believe in boxing yourself into a certain frameowrk either.


  1. I am so with you on this one Yvonne.

    Love Renee xooxxo

  2. I have learnrd to call this the the Church of all worlds. If it is walking the path to power American indian) or sainthood (Catholic) as examples, that is what I should do. To think like god does. All or almost all religions have these sainted walkways. That is where we go. Even when no one is watching,
    You are very special and there is something special for you on my blog, come see.

  3. OK, I tried to comment here last night but the word verification was being evil.

    I know this quote. A French philospher and actually when I heard it, it defined the journey I find myself on. I hadn't realized 'til that moment I was actually on a spiritual journey. It's aided me a great deal, but I don't need any other definition. In fact, I shrink from more.


It makes my day when you say what you want to say.....